Installation Options

There are several different ways to install a solid timber, engineered timber, laminate or vinyl plank floor. When dealing with Coastal Flooring you can rest assured that the correct flooring installation method will be applied to your home.

Coastal Flooring has a wide range of experience with Direct Stick Methods, Floating Methods, Plank on Ply and installing timber over battens or joists. Please refer to the below definitions of each method.



Flooring installation Options Include:

  • Battens – Refers to an installation where treated pine battens are placed over an existing sub-floor, the timber is then glued and pinned to the batten. This will give the floor a traditional feel under foot and is quite soft and forgiving to live on.
  • Direct Stick – Refers to the product being directly glue or glued and nailed to the subfloor. This is the most popular method of installation for Solid Timber Floors or raw flooring from the Big River Armourfloor engineered range.
  • Floating – Refers to the product being laid over a foam underlay to the subfloor. This method  is predominately used for laminate floors, bamboo floors or engineered pre-finished floors.
  • Plank on Ply – Refers to a 12mm sheet of plywood being installed to the subfloor first, followed by the product being installed either floating or direct stick over the top. This method is particularly useful for uneven slabs or if there is an existing area of flooring to match up to.